News von Behörden und Regulators (LBA, EASA, FAA, BFU, NTSB, …)


Allerdings hat sich deren Definator Whitaker jüngst verabschiedet, er steht den neuen Herren in DC nicht zur Verfügung.
Whitakers Weggang hatte einen konkreteren Anlaß, wie ich gerade sehe —


Die FAA nähert sich der Sollstärke.
Jetzt wird den Fachbehörden der Nachwuchs abgeschnitten:

The move, which followed last week’s arrival of the newly created Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) at the FAA, has so far affected administrative and support personnel within the Air Traffic Organization (ATO), which is responsible for the safe operation of the national airspace system (NAS), as well as the Aviation Safety organization (AVS), which is responsible for oversight of manufacturers, operators and others who participate in the NAS.

Many of the individuals who were terminated occupied positions that support safety-critical work. A maintenance mechanic, for example, may plow away snow needed to access a broken instrument landing system (ILS), which would then be serviced by an ATSS. Legal instruments examiners review and approve (or deny) medical certificates for pilots and controllers. Telecommunications specialists support the upkeep of key communications equipment for controllers, like the infrastructure in New York City that failed last year and caused radar outages at Newark Airport. Aeronautical information specialists are responsible for the evaluation, selection and preparation of navigational charts and other air traffic procedures which are used by both pilots and air traffic controllers.

Der Boeing-Hub Frankfurt und der Boeing-Günstigcarrier Rhein-Ruhr gehen schwierigen Zeiten entgegen.
Demnächst ist es nicht mehr egal, ob Lufthansa oder United dein Carrier in die USA ist.

(Jedenfalls so lange nicht die MAGA-Fraktion der dt. Politik auch das LBA in eine Shitshow verwandelt.)

Demnächst ist es nicht mehr egal, ob Lufthansa oder United dein Carrier in die USA ist.

(Jedenfalls so lange nicht die MAGA-Fraktion der dt. Politik auch das LBA in eine Shitshow verwandelt.)

Solange das orange Männchen aus Washington D.C. am Werk ist fliege ich gar nicht in die USA.
NOAA Goldstandard der Wetterbeobachtung — eine Stunde.

All probationary federal employees at NOAA’s EMC that’s responsible for keeping all US weather model systems running have been fired with 1 hours notice. And that includes me and colleagues. We will not go quietly because we care about the NOAA mission to protect the public.

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