Spotten in Dubai


Habe vor im ´mai einen Kurztripp nach DXB zu Starten!!!

Meine frage hatt jemand hier im Forum erfahrung mit DXB und ob man dort Fotografiern darf bzw. eine Erlaubnis braucht und wenn ja wo man die bekommt ?

Über Antworten würd ich mich freuen

Gruss Chris01
Spotten ist in Dubai verboten, ich würde dir jedoch Sharjah, ca 20 km Entfernt ans Herz legen. Eine dermaßene Anzahl an 707, DC8 und IL76 hab ich mein Leben noch nicht gesehen. Ausserdem kannst du dir hier für wenig geld eine Vorfeldkutsche mieten, kannst im Klimatisiertem Auto am VOrfeld "mitfarhen" und die Flugzeuge, die dich interessieren, vom Vorfeld aus Knipsen.
Gruß, Chris
Hi Chris01,

hier ein aktueller Spotterbericht von der cae mailing list (Auszug) von Paul Moiser über das Deira Sheraton:

"As aircraft were departing over the hotel we decided to make the last use of our car and head around the back of terminal 2 which brings you to a road where alot of private villas are
to photograph aircraft landing what seemed a good idea was soon spoilt when the DXB Airport police picked us up and took us to the airport for questioning, after about a 1 hr
and having had to delete my pictures we were sent away with a warning, SO PLEASE NOTE if your planing to visit Dubai in the near future go across to the Civil Aviation Aurthoritys office in departures Terminal 2 and inform police what are you going to be doing to save any hassle, the Airport police informed us that permisssion will always be granted and a Permit will be granted, wether there is a charge or not I dont know but its well worth it. Also spotting has currently been STOPPED as of 06/04 from the Sheraton Deira roof top pool Area, if you are caught by security which do a walk around every 20 mins you will be asked to put your camera, scope away.So if your going to still spot please do be vigilant and hide your scope and camera away and pull them out ONLY when needed, The hotel Manager as of the 06/04 when i left was in talks with the CID to ressolve the situation as the hotel has no problems with scopes or photographing from the hotel, its more of an issue with the CID as the month previously there was a problem with an undisclosed name of group that visited the hotel and was using Scanners and were filming and apparently there radio equipment interfered with Air traffic control so we were told, lets hope the situation is resolved soon,

A very good afternoon visit, all aircraft were read off by driving around the back of the airport where we came across a unfinished road which lead to a farm track and most of the
aircaft we were able to read off however the heat haze was bad therefore a couple were missed,
PLEASE BE AWARE to have plenty of petrol as round the back of the airport takes about 20 min to reach and is really
in the middle of nowhere , basically dessert either side for miles.and the nearest station was 30 mins away.DON'T RUN OUT OF GAS ROUND THERE.we were on empty
round there and it wasnt very comforting not knowing where the nearest petrol station was.

Der Meinug meines Vorredners kann ich mich jedoch nicht anschlissen, was die billigen ramp access Pässe in Sharjah

Hätte mich letztes Jahr so um die 80-90 Euro pro Tag gekostet,
kam dann für mich aus anderen Gründen aber nicht mehr in Frage.
Mehr dazu findest du auf der offiziellen homepage des Airports von Sharjah.