Auch Boeing scheint Probleme mit der Wahrnehmung der Realität zu haben, insbesondere derjenigen der Ablösung einer bestechlichen Regierung.
Die FAA will nicht an Bord – einer Boeing:
The letter denies Boeing a specific approval for the 777-9X called “Type Inspection Authorization” readiness. Without this, Boeing cannot put FAA personnel on board flight tests and begin to collect certification data.
The wording suggests a degree of exasperation with Boeing pushing for TIA when the FAA deems it far from ready.
“The FAA and Boeing have been discussing the TIA readiness of the Boeing Model 777-9 in numerous meetings over the past nine months,” the letter reads, adding that despite Boeing’s assertion that proceeding with TIA “warrants consideration,” the FAA in contrast “considers that the aircraft is not yet ready.”
Boeings Antwort:
Yeah,“[…] it will have a 40- or 50-year run, and I think it will be one of the great runs of all time.”
“I have lots of confidence in it,” Calhoun said. “We love it.”
Like a miracle.The original 777 flight test program in the mid 1990s, from first flight to certification, took 10 months.