Neues von Fluggesellschaften

DUS war doch auch mal angedacht? Aber das scheint wohl wieder verschlagen. Schade.
Genau wie die China Southern Flüge die schon als sicher galten.
LT Sommer 2007 ab DUS:
Los Angeles: 5 mal wöchentlich
Las Vegas: 2 mal wöchentlich (neu)
Orlando wird nicht mehr angeflogen
Orlando verhandelt aber mit Airlines (auch LH!) über Flüge nach Deutschland
Integrierter Sommerflugplan 2007 von Hapagfly und HLX auf einer Plattform buchbar // Fast 350 wöchentliche Verbindungen zu 75 Ziele in ganz Europa

Hannover, 26. September 2006. Die zum TUI-Konzern gehörenden deutschen Airlines, Hapagfly und Hapag-Lloyd Express (HLX), gehen zum Sommer 2007 erstmals mit einem integrierten Flugplan an den Markt. Dabei steigt das gemeinsame Angebot - gemessen an angebotenen Sitzen - um gut einem Viertel. Wenn am kommenden Freitag, 29. September, ab 16.00 Uhr unter und bei den Reisebüros der gemeinsame Sommerflugplan offiziell buchbar ist, stehen fast 350 wöchentliche Verbindungen zu 75 Städte- und Touristikzielen in Deutschland und 16 Ländern erstmals auf einer gemeinsamen Buchungsplattform. Geflogen wird mit insgesamt 56 Flugzeugen, dies entspricht im Vergleich zur heutigen noch getrennt operierenden Flotte beider Gesellschaften einem Zuwachs von fünf Flugzeugen. Unter dem neuen Markenverbund von Hapagfly und HLX sollen im Gesamtjahr 2007 insgesamt mehr als 13,5 Millionen Passagiere befördert werden.

„Unser gemeinsamer Sommerflugplan bietet mehr Strecken mit höherer wöchentlicher Frequenz und ein attraktives Angebots-Mix von 75 Städte- und Touristikzielen. Im wachsenden Flug-Einzelplatzgeschäft decken wir damit alle relevanten Zielmärkte ab,“ sagt Roland Keppler, Vorsitzender der HLX-Geschäftsführung. „Gestiegene Flotteneffizienz, eine höhere Produktivität und strenges Kostenmanagement garantieren auch für den Sommer 2007 wieder unsere günstigsten Preise.“

Im Preisbild bleibt der neue Marken-Verbund der Taxi-Preisphilosophie von HLX treu. Fast alle Flüge zu Zielen in Kontinentaleuropa sind unter bereits ab 19,99 € pro Person und Strecke inklusive Steuern, passagierbezogener Entgelte sowie Treibstoffzuschlag buchbar. Volumenstarke touristische Ziele, zum Beispiel die Türkei oder Griechenland, beginnen jedoch mit Inklusivpreisen ab 49,- €. „Wir haben in den vergangenen drei Jahren bewiesen, dass unser preisgetriebenes, frisches Marketingkonzept insbesondere im Internet sehr erfolgreich ist. Dies werden wir auch unter einem gemeinsamen Markennamen fortsetzen,“ erklärt Keppler.

Köln/Bonn, Stuttgart, München und Düsseldorf verzeichnen unter den derzeitigen 13 zentralen deutschen Abflughäfen die höchsten Kapazitätszuwächse und gehören zusammen mit Hannover zu den größten Standorten des neuen TUI-Airline-Verbundes. So werden beispielsweise von Stuttgart rund zwei Millionen Sitze zu 48 Zielen angeboten.

Bei den Zielmärkten steigt die innerdeutsch angebotene Kapazität um stattliche 100 Prozent, während Italien um rund 50 Prozent zunimmt. Mit 45 Prozent der Kapazität werden europäische und innerdeutsche Städteziele bedient. Griechenland, Mallorca und die Türkei folgen in der Rangliste der Zielgebiete. Noch in diesem Jahr werden mindestens vier neue Destinationen aufgenommen.

“Unser Flugplan spricht Geschäftsreisende, Citybreaker und die klassischen Urlauber gleichermaßen an und deckt damit alle Kernzielgruppen des Low-Cost Flugmarktes ab,“ erläutert Keppler.

Auch die Produktgestaltung an Bord wird für Sommer 2007 einheitlich sein. Es berücksichtigt die mit den jeweiligen Produktvarianten gemachten guten Erfahrungen beider Marken und baut darauf auf. So wird auf allen Flügen eine, an Zielgebiet und Streckenlänge angepasste, modulare und kostenpflichtige Cateringleistung angeboten. “Kunden erwarten heute nicht mehr automatisch eine im Flugpreis eingerechnete Verpflegungsleistung, dem werden wir gerecht und bieten gegen Aufpreis eine hochwertige Bordverpflegung an,“ sagt Keppler. Die Veranstalterkunden erhalten je nach Zielgebiet und Streckenlänge einen Catering-Gutschein. Erstmals wird ab Mitte Oktober auf allen Flügen im Sommer 2007 gegen eine Service-Gebühr die vorzeitige Sitzplatzreservierung möglich sein. Auch das von Hapagfly gewohnte Bluemiles-Programm, mit dem Vielflieger belohnt werden, soll ab 1. Januar 2007 für alle Sommer-Flüge des neuen Verbundes anwendbar sein.

Programm-Highlights Sommerflugplan 2007:

Ex Düsseldorf: Neuaufnahme nach Klagenfurt, Salzburg und Neapel. Mehr Frequenzen nach Olbia, Catania, Fuertventura und Thessaloniki

Ex Leipzig: Neue Verbindung nach Mailand, Neapel und Venedig

Ex Hamburg: Catania und Neapel kommen ins Programm

Ex Frankfurt: Bari und Neapel werden ex Frankfurt geflogen. Mehr Flüge nach Olbia, Catania, Fuerteventura.

Hapagfly hat derzeit eine Flotte von 34 Flugzeugen und beförderte im Jahr 2005 rund 7,3 Millionen Fluggäste. Derzeit werden 44 Ziele in 11 Ländern angeflogen.

Hapag-Lloyd Express (HLX) wurde 2002 gegründet und hat sich mit einer Flotte von heute 18 Flugzeugen zu einem erfolgreichen Low-Cost Carrier entwickelt. 2005 wurden 3,6 Millionen Passagier befördert. Heute werden von den zentralen Abflughäfen Köln/Bonn, Hannover und Stuttgart rund 40 Ziele in Europa angeboten.

Quelle: HLX
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MAS to resume flights to Beirut, suspend operations to Cairo

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines on Wednesday announced it was resuming flights to Beirut but suspending operations to Cairo as part of a revamp of its international network.
The Kuala Lumpur-Beirut via Dubai will operate three times a week starting Oct. 15 "to meet the surge in travel demand arising from the current efforts for the return to normalcy in Lebanon,'' the Malaysian national airline said in a statement.
Operations to Beirut were suspended when fighting between Hezbollah and Israel erupted in July.
The renewed flight, using a 229-seater Airbus A330-200 jetliner, will leave Kuala Lumpur on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, and the return flight will also operate on the same days.
Also from Nov. 1, Malaysia Airlines will no longer fly to Cairo, the statement said.
It said the Kuala Lumpur-Stockholm-Newark operations will also be withdrawn from Jan. 15.
The changes are the latest in the streamlining of operations - including dumping of some routes - ordered by new chief executive Idris Jala to turn around the money-losing airline.
Meanwhile, from Oct. 29, the airline will increase its frequency between Kuala Lumpur and Paris from five weekly to daily flights using a 282-seater B777-200 aircraft.
Also, its weekly frequency on the Kuala Lumpur-Taipei-Los Angeles route will be increased from five to six, all operated by B747-400 aircraft. In the region, the number of flights to Hanoi have been increased from seven a week to nine effective Tuesday, and will double its twice-weekly flight to Cebu from Oct. 30. - AP
'Ne sehr durchgestylte Heckflosse, aber ein viel zu hoher Weißanteil im Vergleich zu der noch aktuellen Livery. Ein Farbklecks weniger... :thbdwn:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] DETROIT, Oct. 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Northwest Airlines today announced an expansion of its European flight network with new service to Brussels, Belgium and Dusseldorf, Germany, as well as the first and only nonstop service between Hartford, Conn. and Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The airline, in cooperation with its joint venture partner, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, also announced that it will add more flights in the Detroit - Amsterdam and Boston - Amsterdam markets.

"Northwest's new service will conveniently connect Detroit and the Heartland of America to more of Europe's top business and leisure destinations and provide additional service from the East Coast to the Northwest/KLM European hub at Amsterdam," said Doug Steenland, Northwest president and chief executive, at a news conference at Detroit. "The combination of our customer-focused WorldGateway at Detroit hub, competitive costs, and the Boeing 757 aircraft, which allows us to match capacity with economically viable demand, has made this major expansion possible."

Two New Destinations

Northwest will add to its existing service to Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London and Paris by offering new flights to:

-- Brussels, beginning May 7, 2007, initiating Northwest's first nonstop service to Belgium. -- Dusseldorf, beginning June 5, 2007, marking Northwest's first nonstop service in the market and its second destination in Germany, complementing its existing Detroit - Frankfurt service.

"Brussels and Dusseldorf are among the most popular European destinations for business and leisure travelers who currently do not enjoy nonstop service from our WorldGateway at Detroit hub," said Phil Haan, executive vice president - international, alliances and information technology and chairman of NWA Cargo. "The 160-seat 757 also allows us to offer service in these new markets now, as well as provide our customers with more choices through additional frequencies in existing markets."

Travelers will be able to make convenient connections through Detroit from more than 146 cities in North America served by Northwest and Northwest Airlink.

Unlike some of its competitors' hubs, all of Northwest's domestic and international flights at Detroit are conveniently located in one terminal. In addition, customers traveling through Northwest's WorldGateway at Detroit hub enjoy a seamless facility experience, regardless of whether flying on a 400-seat 747-400 or a 50-seat regional jet. Northwest and Northwest Airlink customers board their flights at the WorldGateway through fully-enclosed, climate-controlled loading bridges. The WorldGateway was built with many other features and comforts specifically in response to the requests and preferences of travelers, all of which make it a more convenient and comfortable place to make a connection.

Northwest and its Northwest Airlink partners currently offer 507 flights per day from Detroit to 124 domestic and 29 international destinations worldwide.

New Hartford - Amsterdam Service

Northwest also announced that beginning July 1, 2007, it will make Hartford its 18th gateway to Europe through its Amsterdam hub. The daily service will provide the first and only nonstop flight connecting Hartford travelers with one of Europe's most popular business and leisure destinations, and establish Hartford's only nonstop trans-Atlantic service.

Through its Amsterdam hub, Northwest and KLM connect North America to Europe through daily service from Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston (Intercontinental), Los Angeles, Memphis, Tenn., Mexico City, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Montreal, New York (JFK), Newark, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver, British Columbia and Washington D.C.

More Flights from Detroit, Los Angeles, Toronto and Boston Provide Additional Choices for Travelers

As another part of its European expansion, Northwest/KLM announced it will double the number of daily flights offered between both Amsterdam and Boston from one to two, as well as add a fifth frequency between Detroit and Amsterdam in the peak summer season and a fourth frequency during the winter, providing travelers with a greater schedule of flights to choose.

In addition, Northwest/KLM will offer a third daily frequency from New York (JFK) to Amsterdam, operated by KLM. This additional flight is made possible by Northwest operating the existing service from Newark to Amsterdam, which was previously operated by KLM.

Northwest/KLM also announced that it was adding up to five extra weekly frequencies between Amsterdam and Los Angeles and Toronto.

Northwest/KLM's new daily frequencies between Detroit and Amsterdam will begin June 15, 2007, its second daily flight between Amsterdam and Boston will begin July 15, 2007, and changes to Northwest/KLM's Newark and New York flight schedules will occur July 1, 2007.

Northwest's new Detroit-Brussels and Detroit-Dusseldorf flights will initially operate five days per week. Beginning June 15, 2007, all of the flights will be offered on a daily basis.

Capacity, Range of Modified 757 Make New Service Possible

Northwest's new flights between the U.S. and Europe will be operated with Boeing 757-200 aircraft. The aircraft are being fitted with "winglets," or extensions of the aircraft wing, that improve the fuel efficiency of the 757 and in doing so, also extend its range.

Inside the aircraft, Northwest is making several improvements to the fleet dedicated to this new service in order to provide trans-Atlantic customers with a comfortable travel experience.

The World Business Class cabin will be configured with 16 new seats in a two-aisle-two arrangement. The World Business Class seat will provide five feet (1.5 meters) of personal space. The seat will have many features including a four-way movable headrest, laptop computer power port, snake reading light, extendable foot rest and lumbar support, among other comforts.

World Business Class customers will be provided with a portable in-flight entertainment system with a wide variety of 40 movies, four short-subject videos, 16 music programs, 40 compact discs of music and six games to choose from, all available on-demand, so they can choose and play their entertainment when it fits their needs.

The coach class cabin will be equipped with 144 seats, configured in a three-aisle-three arrangement. The "pitch," or distance between rows, is being increased up to four inches, providing additional legroom and comfort.

Northwest Airlines is the world's fifth largest airline with hubs at Detroit, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Memphis, Tokyo and Amsterdam, and approximately 1,400 daily departures. Northwest is a member of SkyTeam, an airline alliance that offers customers one of the world's most extensive global networks. Northwest and its travel partners serve more than 900 cities in excess of 160 countries on six continents.

Northwest Airlines

CONTACT: Northwest Media Relations, +1-612-726-2331[/FONT][/FONT]
Local carrier converts fleet to all-Airbus

By THOMAS BARLAS Staff Writer, (609) 272-7201
Published: Thursday, October 12, 2006
The major carrier out of Atlantic City International Airport is now boasting the youngest all-Airbus fleet in the Americas.

The multi-billion conversion now has Spirit Airlines and airport operators saying they have a new opportunity to attract more passengers.
“This is a positive development because the Airbuses are a more efficient aircraft than the MD-80s previously used,” said Laurie Brewer, a spokeswoman for the South Jersey Transportation Authority, or SJTA, which operates Atlantic City International.
“They afford the (Spirit Airlines)the ability to provide good quality and a good price. Lower fares mean better deals for (Atlantic City International) customers and more people traveling in and out of this growing airport.”
Lynne Koreman, senior director for marketing and communications for Spirit Airlines, said the Airbuses allow the company to do something it couldn't do before: Fly direct between Atlantic City International and the West Coast.

“It gives us more options than we had before,” she said.

Koreman wouldn't comment on how much Spirit Airlines spent to convert its fleet an all-Airbus fleet.
Spirit Airlines now has 20 A319s, which can seat 138 passengers, and six A321s, which seat 198 passengers. The oldest Airbus in the fleet is now just 18 months old.
Spirit Airlines began flying some Airbuses out of Atlantic City International in November 2004. An all-Airbus operation out of Atlantic City International started in June 2005.
Spirit Airlines routes out of Atlantic City International primarily head to and from Florida, with connecting service to the Caribbean.
In June, the airlines launched the Spirit of Atlantic City, an Airbus named in honor of the gaming resort.
Spirit Airlines's older fleet of MD-80s made it harder for it to compete with other carriers who used more fuel-efficient planes. The Airbuses used by Spirit Airlines are about 35 percent to 45 percent more fuel efficient than the MD-80s that they replaced.
In [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Paramaribo, der Hauptstadt der Republik Suriname, wird offenbar gerade eine neue Fluggesellschaft mit Namen [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Pont International Airlines Services (ICAO: PSI, Callsign: Pont)[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] aufgebaut, die u.a. Flüge nach Europa durchführen wird. Anfang 2007 soll der Flugbetrieb mit Airbus A330-Series aufgenommen werden. Die Hauptstadt Paramaribo soll über Düsseldorf mit Amsterdam verbunden werden.
Von Amsterdam aus startet zweimal wöchentlich eine Boeing B767-300 der Martinair Richtung Südamerika, Surinam Airways fliegt täglich ausser montags mit B747-400 dieselbe Strecke in die ehemalige Kronkolonie.
Düsseldorf liegt insbesondere für Reisende aus dem Osten der Niederlande verkehrsgünstiger als der Flughafen Amsterdam. 2005 nutzten knapp 750.000 Niederländer den Flughafen Düsseldorf, bis zu 1.000.000 Passagiere werden kommendes Jahr erwartet.

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[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] De West - Dagblad uit en voor Suriname

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"DRP---Pont International Airline Services N.V. (PIAS), één van de nieuwe maatschappijen die dit jaar in samenwerking met British Dutch Airline Limited (BDA) van Engeland en PIAS International B.V. van Curaçao ook passagiersvluchten zullen uitvoeren tussen Suriname en Nederland, is niet erg happig op een samenwerking met de Surinaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij (SLM), de huidige monopoliehouder op de Mid-Atlantische route.
De topper van het Surinaams bedrijf geeft verder aan, dat er ook nog andere mogelijkheden zijn voor Surinaamse passagiers zoals de route vanuit Amsterdam via Düsseldorf naar Paramaribo. Deze route zou vaker gebruikt worden omdat de belastingen bij de luchthaven van Düsseldorf voor reizigers goedkoper zouden uitvallen dan die op Schiphol. De moedermaatschappij BDA vliegt vanuit Schiphol naar Düsseldorf, waar de passagiers van de PIAS de mogelijkheid zullen hebben de overstap te doen. volgens de PIAS-topper bevliegen de nieuwe maatschappijen één keer per week de route via Accra (Ghana) en 1 keer per week rechtstreeks vanuit Paramaribo. Passagiers mogen uitstappen om Ghana te bezoeken en later hun reis te vervolgen. Verder kan hetzelfde ticket gebruikt worden om vanuit Suriname via Curaçao naar Nederland te vliegen. Ook kan men uitstappen om een paar dagen op Curaçao door te brengen, aldus de topper van het Surinaams bedrijf."
Griechenland soll EU-Geldstrafe wegen Olympic zahlen

BRÜSSEL (Dow Jones)--Griechenland soll im Zusammenhang mit nicht zurückgezahlten Subventionen für Olympic Airways ein tägliches Bußgeld zahlen. Die Europäische Kommission teilte am Mittwoch mit, sie habe den Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) ersucht, der Regierung in Athen eine tägliche Geldstrafe von zunächst 10.512 EUR rückwirkend bis Mitte Mai 2005 aufzuerlegen. Zur Begründung hieß es, Griechenland habe trotz eines entsprechendes Urteils des EuGH illegale staatliche Beihilfen von "mindestens 160 Mio EUR" nicht von der Fluggesellschaft zurückgefordert.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
An Indian-born businessman has purchased a private central European airline for an undisclosed amount.

Harjinder Singh Sidhu, who lives in the UK and is a British passport holder, bought Air Slovakia, a small privately owned airline based in the capital, Bratislava last week, it has emerged.

The new owners now plan to buy or lease six more planes by the middle of next year and expand operations.
The 'Indian' Air Slovakia will fly to Milan, Bratislava, Birmingham, London, and Cologne in Germany. Return ticket prices are expected to range from $530 to $1100.
.....Sidhu steckt auch als Financier hinter der vor kurzem in Wien gegründeten Airline Golden City Aviation des in Österreich lebenden Inders Kandra Bhupider Bhupani. Bhupani betrieb in Wien das Reiseunternehmen Alpha-Centaur. Der Erstflug von Golden City erfolgte Ende vergangener Woche von Wien nach Köln, durchstarten will die Airline Anfang Dezember mit zwei wöchentlichen Direktflügen von Wien in die südindischen Städte Goa, Gochin, Jaipur und Amritsar. Ab März 2007 kommen laut Tageszeitung "Österreich" auch London, Amsterdam und das indische Mumbai (früher Bombay) ins Programm. Golden City will Flugzeuge der Air Slovakia einsetzen.....
(Quelle: Austria Presse Agentur)
German Lufthansa not likely to bid for Hungarian airline Malev
Lufthansa, the German airline company, is not interested in bidding at the privatization tender for Hungarian national airline Malev, the company's CEE regional director told Interfax on Wednesday.
"Lufthansa already has strong coverage of the CEE region, and we have no big interest in adding a further partner," Regional Director Stephan Semsch said on the sidelines of a press conference.

The Hungarian government is expecting bids for Malev by November 2, with press reports indicating the interest might be higher than at previous unsuccessful attempts at a sale. According to the daily Magyar Nemzet, definite bidders for Malev include AirBridge, controlled by Russian air industry businessman Boris Abramovich; Aviation Solutions, a consortium of Hungarian private and institutional investors supported by Canadian businessman Jozsef Gubisi; and SkyAlliance, a group comprised of Hungarian pilots.

Irish, American, and Israeli investors are also rumored to be mulling a bid, the daily added.

Lufthansa has had strong cooperation with Malev in the past, and Semsch hopes this will continue under a new owner as well.

"It is in our interest that Malev remain a strong and solid partner for us," he said.

RAK Airways (Ras Al Kaimah/VAE) nimmt im Januar 2007 den Betrieb auf. Im ersten Betriebsjahr wird die Airline 15 Ziele u.a. in Indien und Iran mit einer eigenen 737 und einer gemieteten 757 anfliegen. 2008 sollen weitere Zielmärkte wie Bangladesh, Pakistan und Sri Lanka hinzukommen. 2009 sollen dann über 10 Flugzeuge in der Flotte sein und weitere Routen nach Russland, in die Ukraine, Aserbaidshan, Usbekistan, Kyrgistan, Turkmenistan, Kasachstan, Tajikistan und vielleicht sogar Charter nach Europa hinzukommen.
"... Starting from January next year, Emirates planes will be fitted with the technology to allow you to use your mobiles while in the air. ...
Mobiles will be allowed as the plane cruises over an altitude of 20,000 ft, but not during take-off or landing, or during climbs or descents. Passengers will be encouraged to switch phones to silent or vibrate throughout the flight as a courtesy to others, especially in overnight flights, and certain areas on the craft will be designated ‘silence zones.’ ..."


"Qantas ends flight ban on phones

QANTAS will let passengers use mobile phones in the air but only if it is sure the chat and chimes will not drive others to another airline

South Australian flights next year will be part of a trial to test if passengers want to make and receive calls, emails and text messages - or if they would just like some peace and quiet.


Singapore Airlines is considering introducing such services but state manager Matt Raos said his company was not sure it would be popular.

"We need to be sure about the social implications," he said. "When people get on the plane, it is one of the last bastions of being free of mobile phones."

Virgin Blue spokeswoman Amanda Bolger said the airline had no immediate plan for mobile phone services but would consider the option."

Just out on Bloomberg:

El Al cancelled its options to buy 787 in 2010 due to its need to focus on an economic recovery plan. They do not want to make any commitment to buy planes.
AF/KL will eigene LCC-Tochter an den Markt bringen. soll demnach dahingehend umgewandelt werden.
Anteile: 60% AF, 40%