So, die Woche ist praktisch vorbei und gab natürlich keine Ankündigung von Air India, außer das Gerücht das sie FRA-LAX im Sommer mit 77W fliegen wollen. :thbdwn:
Glaubst du nicht auch, dass die gerade nichts besseres zu tun haben....
India’s Government has selected a senior civil servant to head up Air India, replacing V Thulasidas.
A spokeswoman for the Civil Aviation Ministry says Raghu Menon is to be appointed as Air India’s new chairman and managing director. The appointment will take effect on 1 April, after Thulasidas’ term ends.
The spokeswoman says Menon has had a long career with the Civil Aviation Ministry and is currently special secretary and financial advisor. He is the second-most senior civil servant at the ministry.
Air India merged last year with Indian Airlines and one of Menon’s tasks will be to work to further integrate the operations of the carriers.
The enlarged Air India, which is preparing to join the Star Alliance, has also been adding many new aircraft to its fleet and is considering placing another large aircraft order.