Article Launched: 02/07/2006 1:00 AM MST
DIA woos Germany with art
By Kelly Yamanouchi
Denver Post Staff Writer
Denver International Airport has a new German art exhibit, and local officials hope it will strengthen a relationship with Germany and support efforts to get nonstop air service between Denver and Munich.
The sculpture exhibit is "part of our effort to keep our relationship with (German airline) Lufthansa and Munich Airport going," said Tom Clark, executive vice president of the Metro Denver Economic Development Corp. "This is another way of encouraging tourism into Bavaria and Munich and to continue to let Lufthansa know that we're still very interested."
Lufthansa currently has a flight between Frankfurt and Denver. Local officials have been pushing for a Munich-to-Denver flight for years.
The sculptures, by Andreas Kuhnlein, have been set up on the Concourse A at DIA as a cultural exchange. They will move to the state
Capitol in the spring, Clark said.
The loan of the artwork is "a gift from the artist and the Munich Airport and the people of Bavaria," Clark said.
Colorado has a sister relationship with Bavaria and the Munich airport, DIA art program manager Colleen Fanning said.