Flugzeugbestellungen und Leasing (update)

LOT bestellt Boeing 787

Der US-Flugzeugbauer Boeing wird der polnischen Fluggesellschaft LOT bis zu 14 Flugzeuge des Typs "Dreamliner" liefern. LOT werde sieben Boeing 787-8 kaufen und Optionen für zwei sowie Kaufrechte für fünf weitere Flugzeuge erwerben, teilte Boeing am Mittwoch mit. Abzüglich der Optionen und Kaufrechte habe die Bestellung nach Listenpreis einen Wert von etwa 910 Millionen Dollar.

Der Airbus-Konkurrent wird die "Dreamliner" ab 2008 ausliefern. LOT sei die erste europäische Fluglinie mit weltweitem Streckennetz, die das neueste Verkehrsflugzeug von Boeing einsetze, teilte der Flugzeugbauer mit. Einschließlich LOT hätten seit dem Programmstart des Flugzeugs im April vorigen Jahres 22 Fluggesellschaften feste Bestellungen und Kaufabsichten für 263 "Dreamliner" bekannt gegeben.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wizzair hat bei Airbus zwoelf Flugzeuge der Typen A319 und A320 mit
einem Listenpreis von insgesamt 1,4 Mrd. Dollar bestellt. Die
Maschinen sollen ab Sommer 2007 ausgeliefert werden. (Handelsblatt,
S. 14)
Vielleicht gibts ja bald einen schönen 4000-Sticker zu sehen...

Vielleicht gibts ja bals einen schönen 4000-Sticker zu sehen...

An diesem Freitag übernimmt Lufthansa in Toulouse ihren neunten Airbus A330-300. Die Langstrecken-Maschine mit dem Kennzeichen D-AIKI ist gleichzeitig das 4000. Flugzeug, das in der Airbus-Unter-nehmensgeschichte ausgeliefert wird. Bis zu 221 Fluggäste finden in der Drei-Klassen-Konfiguration Platz. Vornehmlich bedient die A330 Lufthansa-Ziele in Afrika oder an der US-Ostküste.

Pro Fluggast verbraucht die A330-300 lediglich vier Liter Treibstoff auf 100 Kilometer. Im Vergleich zum Vorgängermodell A310-300 sind dies 27 Prozent weniger. Dank des modernen Rolls-Royce-Triebwerks Trent 772B ist ebenso der Lärmteppich deutlich geschrumpft.

Auch in der kommenden Zeit taucht Lufthansa oft im Lieferbuch auf. Eine A330 steht noch aus, darüber hinaus weitere sieben Airbus A340-600 (zehn befinden sich bereits in der Flotte), mit 75,27 Metern das längste Passagierflugzeug der Welt. Ende 2007 soll schließlich die erste von 15 bestellten A380 mit dem Kranich am Leitwerk in Frankfurt landen. (Quelle: LH - eBase)
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El Al to acquire two new 767 airplanes

El Al announced Tuesday that it planned to acquire two new Boeing 767 aircraft for its fleet. The cost of the two planes will total approximately $270 million, Army Radio reported.
Wenn man auf www.dash8-finanzierung-intersky.at geht, dann müsste man annehmen, dass Intersky zwei neue Bombardier (de Havilland) DHC-8-300Q bekommt. Es soll sich um die c/n 503 (ex. Royal Wings) und 505 (ex. Augsburg AW) handeln.

Eine wird eine bestehende Dash 8 ersetzten und die andere wird für eine Expanision gebraucht.
Thai Air orders 3 A340-600
Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 @ 8:49 AM CEST by sn26567
regi writes "National carrier, Thai Airways International Plc has placed an order for three new A340-600 aircraft from Airbus to be delivered before year-end, the airline announced on Monday.

Airbus has already delivered the airline two A340-600 aircraft in June and August, this year, and is scheduled to deliver another three by the end of the year 2005, said a THAI statement.

The A340-600 aircraft, to be used to service flights to Zurich, Milan, Spain and Tokyo, is a medium to long-range aircraft and uses the Rolls-Royce RR Trent 556 engine which should help the airline reduce fuel costs and increase the capacity of cargo.
Garuda, Hainan Airlines Buying Boeing 787s

Garuda Indonesia and Hainan Airlines of China have both announced Boeing buys, including orders for 18 Boeing 787s.

Garuda says it will add 10 Boeing 787-8s and 18 Boeing 737s, the latter for delivery starting next year with the 787s coming online starting in 2011. The order reflects changes to a previously announced order for six Boeing 777-200ERs, none of which have been delivered.

Hainan Airlines meanwhile also has signed a deal to buy eight Boeing 787s, according to a report from the Xinhua News Agency. The airline joins Air China, China Eastern, Shanghai Airlines and Xiamen Airlines, which have orders in for 42 787s
El Al To Choose Boeing Or Airbus

flymunich hat gesagt.:
El Al to acquire two new 767 airplanes

El Al announced Tuesday that it planned to acquire two new Boeing 767 aircraft for its fleet. The cost of the two planes will total approximately $270 million, Army Radio reported.

Kleine Ergänzung dazu:

September 20, 2005 El Al Israel Airlines will decide within three months whether to stick with Boeing or switch to rival Airbus for the first time to buy two new long-haul planes for up to USD$270 million.

El Al will choose between Boeing 777-200 ER or Airbus A340-200 planes to upgrade its ageing long-haul fleet, Haim Romano, El Al's president, told a news conference at Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Airport unveiling El Al's strategy to 2010.

A decision by Israel's national carrier to buy aircraft from Europe's Airbus would be a break with tradition after sourcing its planes from Boeing in the United States since the airline was founded nearly six decades ago.

El Al in the past has shied away from buying Airbus under pressure from the United States -- Israel's main ally -- to buy from American companies. At the same time, Israel saw Europe as more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

El Al is currently in talks with both plane makers. El Al said it would pick the manufacturer offering the best deal. The airline expects a cost of between USD$115 million and USD$135 million per plane.

"At the end of the day we will decide on Airbus or Boeing," Romano said, noting El Al plans to use a combination of cash and loans to finance the aircraft purchase.

Airbus has long sought a contract with El Al but politics played a major part in El Al sticking to an all-Boeing fleet, of which it has 34 aircraft. Four of those are leased.

But times have changed and El Al is no longer owned by the Israeli government, putting the decision in the hands of the airline and not the government.

"We are now a private company so we are not obliged to purchase from Boeing," Romano said.

El Al said the new planes would enter service in 2007 to meet a growing demand for travel to Israel. The new planes will fly routes from Tel Aviv to the United States and Asia.

Until the new planes are delivered, El Al -- which sees average annual passenger growth of five percent until 2010 -- said it plans in 2006 to lease two or three planes, such as the Boeing 737, 767 and 747 and Airbus equivalents.

Some 2 million people are expected to visit Israel this year, an improvement over the past few years but below its peak of about 2.7 million in 2000. El Al has a more than 40 percent market share from Israel.

El Al said it planned to develop the newly upgraded Ben-Gurion Airport just outside Tel Aviv as a flight hub and gateway to and from Asia as part of its growth strategy. The carrier said it was looking to forge new alliances with other airlines.

El Al said that including the new aircraft, it plans to spend up to USD$345 million on improvements over the next five years. In 2005 it expects at least to meet its 2004 net profit of USD$33.1 million, even with much higher oil prices.

"It's reasonable to believe we will be as good as that," said El Al Chief Financial Officer Nissim Malki.

Malki said El Al was able to largely offset the high cost of fuel through hedging, higher ticket prices and efficiency measures taken in recent years. He noted that El Al was assuming oil would stay in a range of USD$55 to USD$62 in the medium term.

Although El Al has long argued that it was held back by government rules banning flying on the Jewish Sabbath -- a 25 hour period starting at sundown on Friday -- the airline said it still has no plans to fly on the Sabbath now that it is privately owned.


Deine Radiomeldung, Flymunich, kann sich in meinen Augen nur auf den fett markierten Teil beziehen - also kein Kauf neuer Maschinen, sondern ein Leasen - bis man sich für die neue Flotte (Airbus oder Boeing) entschieden hat.

Greetz, Meckl :D
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Avion Group ordered four 777 freighters and took purchase rights on two more with deliveries beginning in February 2008. The aircraft will be offered on ACMI leases by Avion subsidiary Air Atlanta Icelandic. Additionally, Boeing said it is in "serious negotiations" to convert three of the carrier's 747-400 passenger aircraft into freighters. Boeing did not provide a separate value for the 777Fs but said that in combination with the possible conversion program, value of the transaction at list prices is approximately $1 billion. Avion is the second customer for the 777F; Air France launched the program in May with an order for five.
TACA Takes Delivery of its First A321

TACA took delivery on Friday of its first A321, becoming the first operator of the type in Latin America.

TACA also was the first operator of the A319 and A320 in the Latin American region. With this new delivery TACA will operate a total of 35 Airbus aircraft (nine A319s, 25 A320s, and one A321).

TACAs A321 will seat up to 194 passengers in a two-class configuration.
Hainan Airlines Takes Delivery of its First Airbus A319

Hainan Airlines has taken delivery of its first Airbus A319, of eight it has on order.

The A319 is powered by CFM International CFM56-5b engines and is configured in a single economy-class layout for 134 passengers. The aircraft will be operated by Changan Airlines, a local branch of Hainan Airlines in Xian Province, and will operate domestic trunk routes and some high-altitude routes, usch as to Tibet, Huanglong and Gongga.

Having started its operations in 1993, Hainan Airlines currently operates out of the city of Haikou on Hainan Island, with service to more than 50 domestic destinations.

The A319, which Airbus says is known to the Chinese customers as the Mountain Goat, first made a demonstration flight over Tibet International Airport in 2001.
Austrian Buying 777, Selling 737 and CRJs

Austrian Airlines yesterday announced that it will purchase a Boeing 777-200ER long-range jet as the first replacement for its sale of two Airbus A340-200s. The airline also will seek to sell or lease up to three Bombardier CRJ-100s and its sole Boeing 737-600.

Austrian already had announced it would remove its A340-200s due to their limited range and capacity amid the current high fuel costs. The company says it is removing from service its 737-600 because it is the last aircraft of that type in its fleet and the CRJs are being removed because they have different engines from the company's CRJ-200s. The latter aircraft will be replaced by the larger capacity Fokker 100.
Qantas leaning toward 787/777 buy as Boeing offers longer-range 777-200LR

Qantas appears to be moving toward a 787/777 order after airline sources confirmed to ATWOnline that the carrier and Boeing are close to finalizing a longer-range variant of the 777-200LR that would have a reach of just over 10,000 nm. (18,500 km.), enabling the Australian airline to operate from Sydney to London nonstop year round with 250 passengers.

CEO Geoff Dixon told media in August that Boeing was close to getting Sydney-London range from its dash 200LR. The extra legs would come from an additional fuel tank and lighter interior fixtures borrowed from the 787 cabin.

The Qantas sources also told this website that the airline is close to a 787 commitment, understood to be for 50 firm orders for both the dash 8 and dash 9, which would make it the launch customer for the 787-9. The sources confirmed media reports that Boeing has offered Qantas a HGW version of the dash 9 at just under 255 tons MTOW, well above the current 227 tons. This would give the 787-9HGW a range similar to the standard 777-200LR's 9,400 nm. The carrier is expected to place an order for up to 100 aircraft in the 787/777 class.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
October 3, 2005 El Al Israel Airlines said on Sunday it has signed an agreement with Boeing for the purchase of two 777-200 ER jets for about USD$246 million.
El Al expects to take delivery of the long-range wide-body jets in 2007. Each aircraft will cost between USD$117 million and USD$123 million, in accordance with the extras the company orders, El Al said in a statement.
The airline plans to finance 15 percent of the purchase with its own funds and the rest through loans.
El Al said the purchase was subject to receiving a commitment from the US trade incentive authority which will enable the airline to receive financing. The commitment is expected to be obtained by December 2005.
El Al operates an all-Boeing fleet of 34 aircraft, four of them leased.
Two weeks ago, El Al said it would decide within three months whether to stick with Boeing for its new plane purchase or switch to rival Airbus for the first time.
A decision to buy Airbus A340 planes would have been a break with tradition as the Israeli carrier has sourced all its planes from Boeing since the airline was founded nearly six decades ago.
El Al in the past has shied away from buying Airbus under pressure from the United States, Israel's main ally, to buy from US companies. Airbus has long sought a contract with El Al.
El Al is no longer owned by the Israeli government, putting the decision in the hands of the airline and not lawmakers.
The new planes will fly routes from Tel Aviv to the US and Asia.
Jet Airways bestellt zehn Boeing-Maschinen
Die indische Fluggesellschaft Jet Airways hat beim Flugzeugbauer Boeing zehn Maschinen des Typs 777-300ER bestellt. Der Listenpreis liege bei 2,53 Milliarden US-Dollar, teilte am Dienstag in Seattle mit.
Jet Airways hatte bereits auf der Flugzeugmesse in Le Bourget eine entsprechende Absichtserklärung abgegeben. Jetzt sei der Auftrag bestätigt worden, hieß es. Die Auslieferungen beginnen im Frühjahr 2007. Mit den Maschinen will Jet Airways den internationalen Flugverkehr in Europa, Asien und den USA ausweiten.
Ob Jet Airways schon mal etwas von Munich gehört hat?
Meine diesmal die Stadt München. Oder ob auf deren Weltkarte auch nur Frankfurt als einzige Stadt in Deutschland eingetragen ist. :confused: ;D
Austrian Airlines cancels 737 order; agrees to buy 777

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Serif]Austrian Airlines has canceled an order for a 737, but replaced it with a new order for a 777-200, according to a Boeing Co. news release. The 777 deal is worth $181 million at list prices.


Built at Boeing's Everett factory, the 777 is a long-range jet, and will be used for flights between the United States and Asia. The 737, built in Renton, is typically used on regional routes.
Boeing (NYSE: BA) said the 777 will be delivered late next year and join the three other 777s the Vienna-based carrier operates.

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ATR announced an order from Air Tahiti for an ATR 72-500 scheduled for delivery in June 2008. The airline currently operates 10 ATRs and holds orders for five more. Air Tahiti officials said the new aircraft will handle the additional traffic generated from resorts being developed on Bora Bora. ATR also said that Spain's Binter Canarias ordered a new ATR 72-500, which is set for delivery in mid-2006. It currently operates a fleet of 13 ATRs. CEO Filippo Bagnato said yesterday at the ERA conference in Gothenburg that the orders are part of "an exceptional year for ATR and it's not over yet." He said he expects the year to end with a total of 70 new aircraft orders compared to seven in 2004.
Bombardier revealed in Gothenburg that Royal Jordanian Airlines will introduce at month's end its first previously owned Q400 turboprop, the first to be operated in the Middle East. The aircraft, which will be used to launch the new Royal Jordanian xpress brand, will be joined shortly by a second. Royal Jordanian xpress will take the place of the former regional brand Royal Wings to denote an upgraded service.
Separately, company officials said that a decision date for the launch of its CSeries family of twinjet airliners is growing near but were not prepared to discuss the matter further.